Is It Well?


How often can we say like the old hymn does, that it is well with my soul? Does it come naturally to us and do we live in that place? I don’t know about you I but I find it can be tough sometimes. We are living in such turbulent times that for many of us it is a daily struggle to be able to say that. We are constantly, daily bombarded with things that make us angry, worried or upset. We can feel like all is going wrong and there is nothing we can do about it. And in many cases there is not a lot we ourselves can do to change any of the things going on around us.

If you look up the history of that old hymn and the man who wrote it, Horatio Spafford, you will find an interesting story. He did not pen that hymn while sipping his coffee on a sunny day at the beach. He wrote it after horrible, awful circumstances and tremendous loss. In the midst of, and in spite of his losses, he was able to focus his eyes on Jesus who is our hope in times of trouble. Maybe it took him some time to get to that place of it being well with his soul, but get there he did. And we can too.

Many times the things that cause us to lose our peace, those times when things don’t seem well with us, are things that have not even happened, but we have been told they might happen. That’s when fear can rear its ugly head. Fear is a weapon that the enemy wields against us. And we know it can be very effective it we allow it to take control of our thoughts.

I think most of us can agree that the media is in the fear mongering business. Much of what they say is either an out and out lie or is exaggerated to such an extent that we think everything is awful and all is lost. As an example we have a weather lady in our area that my husband nicknamed (fake name,obviously) Sally the sky is falling Little. If there is any storm heading our way you can be sure, according to her, that it appears disaster will follow in its wake.Yet so often that's not what happens at all. 

I would love to be able to say that I am one of those people who is always at rest and peace in the Lord. To be totally honest I’m a work in progress. When I see innocent children being harmed physically and psychologically every day or loved ones making foolish choices in their lives, or people around me being willing to follow the lies of the enemy into slavery while silently and willingly believing all they are told, it affects me. I do get upset and overwhelmed at times.

There is one thing I do know about those times when that happens. My eyes are fixed on the wrong thing. Yes, those things are real and yes, they are happening. But for that piece of time I know I have let fear take hold of my emotions instead of taking the issue to the Lord. Maybe I’m looking at things the way the world says they will go and not on how the Lord wants me to see them. My eyes are fixed on the mountain and not the one who moves mountains. Has anyone else had that problem? I can’t fix all the things going on around me or the people who seem to be heading in the wrong direction. But I know the one who can. And I know the power of prayer. That’s where my focus needs to be.

We are in a spiritual battle the likes of which we have never seen. It can be difficult because at times it feels as though we are losing when in reality we are not. If we are only paying attention to what the world is telling us we are missing out on the truth. We are not fighting this battle alone. This is a battle that needs to be fought in the spirit with our spiritual weapons and with the full armor of God.

Sometimes when I look at the things that cause me to get into fear or that cause me to get upset, if I stop to think about it I realize they are so small compared to the things so many in our world are going through. Even if we are standing in faith believing there is a plan and it is good, and believing that the Lord is with us we still can get distracted by all that goes on around us. The enemy is whispering in our ear how can you think things will turn out well? Can’t you see all that’s going on? Look! Look over there and over there! That’s when standing in faith can be hard.

In those times it’s a blessing to have the Word of God. All the encouragement we need is in there if we just pay attention. I was reading Psalm 46 Verses 1-3. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. If the Word says that we can say we will not fear, even though the earth be removed and the mountains carried into the sea, then surely we can say we will not fear with some of the things going on around us. After all if God is for us who can be against us? 

