
Hold Fast to That Which You Have

I was thinking about the above line of scripture  (Revelation 3:11),the other morning as I was going back and looking at journal entries I have written over the past few years.   What really surprised me, was how many things I had forgotten.  Things the Lord had shown me that I had not held fast.  Important things. Things I didn't think I would forget.  Some I had even walked in for a while, until other things pushed them out of my mind.  Maybe it was the cares of this world.  Or, maybe sometimes it was  just the opposite. Have you ever noticed that when things are going along well,  we can tend to let go of things we have learned because we think we don't need them at that  particular time?  Whatever it may be that causes us to  let those things go , it can put us in a dangerous position.  We can forget to keep watch over our territory. Suddenly, we might notice that things are not going so well. ...
It's Time to Come Out of Hiding I thought I would share this blog that I just came across which I had actually published not quite 5 years ago. Apparently there were somethings that the Lord was remin ding me of. I did speak about a book that I had read and gave a brief synopsis. I'm sorry to say I never named the book or gave credit to the author. I also have no remembrance of what the title is. Just wanted to mention that first.  It's interesting to me how the Lord uses all kinds of different things in our lives to show us the things He wants us to see. Often, it can be something we read in the Word, but He also uses our everyday normal things. He may use a conversation you have with someone, a dream you dream, a book you read, a song you hear or even a TV show you watch. I started writing a very different blog earlier this week on emotions and the roller coasters they can sometimes be. I have since discarded it. Not that it didn't speak to things we may all go thro...

Is It Well?

  How often can we say like the old hymn does, that it is well with my soul? Does it come naturally to us and do we live in that place? I don’t know about you I but I find it can be tough sometimes. We are living in such turbulent times that for many of us it is a daily struggle to be able to say that. We are constantly, daily bombarded with things that make us angry, worried or upset. We can feel like all is going wrong and there is nothing we can do about it. And in many cases there is not a lot we ourselves can do to change any of the things going on around us. If you look up the history of that old hymn and the man who wrote it, Horatio Spafford, you will find an interesting story. He did not pen that hymn while sipping his coffee on a sunny day at the beach. He wrote it after horrible, awful circumstances and tremendous loss. In the midst of, and in spite of his losses, he was able to focus his eyes on Jesus who is our hope in times of trouble. Maybe it took ...